Hand-drawn María's illustrations
Kiss the mother of the baby's feet
The hands of the baby's feet
The foot of the baby in the blue towel
The foot of the baby in the red towel
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hand
The pink and lovely feet of the baby
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hand
The foot of a baby with a heart
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hand
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hand
The foot of a baby in the hands of a grown-up
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hands
The foot of a baby in the hands of a grown-up
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hand
The foot of a baby in a grown-up's hand
The birth of a baby
Meet the baby and send a team
The feet and legs of a grown-up's hands