Poster for the New Year's Award 2013
The New Year 2013 is open
The New Springs meet in the background of the stage
A poster design for the Golden Monkey's Age
New Year 2016 feature poster
Poster for the 2013 Christmas New Year
Posters for the New Year 2013
The gold word and the pocket watch for 2016
The gold word and the pocket watch for 2016
The pocket watch and the 2016 gold word
Background to the Yearly Monkeys Annual Meeting
A good poster for the Year of the Monkey in 2016
The background of the 2016 spring and evening monkeys
2013 New Year poster
It's a poster for the year of the snake
Daikichi poster for the year 2013
The Viper Spring poster
Snake yearbook poster
A good poster for the year of snakes
Context of the 2013 annual meeting of snakes
It's a poster for the year of the snake
It's a good year for snakes at the mall
A poster for the Day of the Snake
Daikichi poster for the year 2013
A good poster for the year of snakes
The scene of the 2013 Spring Festival of Snakes
Posters for the New Year 2013
A poster for the year 2013 Day of Snakes
It's a poster for the year of the snake
It's a poster for the year of the snake
Background to the 2013 Spring Festival
The snake poster for the New Spring
A poster for the New Year's Eve
The gold word for a cartoon balloon, 2016
The gold word for the 2016 cartoon balloon
In the snow, it's an art word for 2013
It's an art word for the year 2013 in coffee
Good faith, 315 words of art
We're working on the word art
You're the only word I see in my eyes