The Andre robot with the hammer in his hand
The stubster behind the whiteboard
With the red-hearted stubby little man
The stubster with the whiteboard
Play the guitar, the Stereo Man
The stereo guy who listens to music
The 3d man who listens to music
The Stereo Man in the ski truck
The Stereo Man with the phone pot
The Stereo Man with the headphones
The stubble little man in the basket
The Stereo Man in the Rover
The 3d man who listens to music
The Stereo Man with the headphones to listen to music
The three-d guy who plays the guitar
The 3d guy with the balloons
Fight drums. Stereotypes
The Andre robot that stopped the gesture
The Andre robot who said hello
The Andre robot with his hands open
The Andre robot that stopped the gesture
The Andre robot who said hello
The Andre robot that weeps and weeps
The innocent-faced Andre robot
The amazing Andre robot
The Andre robot with the computer
The Andre robot with the environmental sign
The Andre robot that sent the signal
Cleaning up the sanitary Andre robots
The Andre robot with the football
The Andre droids who turn basketball
The Andre robot with the bat
Andre behind the whiteboard