The chef with the salmon
A cup set for the Shanghai Ballet Hotel
Silver kitchen appliances and cookware icons
A luncheon with a thumb
It's a picture
Swan Lake
Cook's hat and menu cover
Cook's menu for trays
A cook's menu with thumbs
Business jigsaw
We're on a 24-hour service
Business Man's Complimental Icon
Pick-up service
A row of business services
A woman's inn
24-hour service icon
A woman's dress to show her cell phone
Telephone sales services
Icons such as micro-mails and web-services
Thai hotel waiter
It's a picture of the real estate
Birds and hospitality
The recipe design template
Cellular Network Icon
Micro-mail and business man
Micro-Credit Internet Service
Internet services
Peasant suits
The posse is good for the customer's dress
Cell phones and Internet icons