The 10th Anniversary of Nostalgia and Antiquity
The red anniversary sign
Gold Wheat Quality Label
The Ten Years of Dark Red Label
The 10th anniversary label for the brown background
Blue Bottom 15th Anniversary Label
15th anniversary label with brown background
Black Bottom 2th Anniversary Label
Label of the 2nd Anniversary of Dark Red Bottom
Blue Bottom 2th Anniversary Label
2nd anniversary label with brown background
Black Bottom 20th Anniversary Label
20th Anniversary Label Dark Red Bottom
Retro Dark Red 60th Anniversary Label
Antiquated Blue Bottom 60th Anniversary Label
The 60th Anniversary Label of the brown background
Antiquated 70th anniversary label
Retro Dark Red 70th Anniversary Label
Blue Bottom 70th Anniversary Label
Black Bottom 80th Anniversary Label
The 80th Anniversary Label on the Blue Bottom
Label for the 80th anniversary of the brown background
Chu Red's 90th anniversary label
Antiquated Blue Bottom 90th Anniversary Label
The 90th anniversary label of the ancient brown background
Black Bottom 90th Anniversary Label
Anniversaries shield label
Red anniversary label
Ten-year label
50th Anniversary Label Black & White
Label for the anniversary of the black and white hexagon
Nostalgia Alphabet Label
Label for the anniversary of the black and white deer
Anniversaries label for English letters
Label for Happy Birthday
Gold 90th anniversary label
The gold 25th anniversary label
Label design for the 15th anniversary
Gold anniversary label
The golden pentagram anniversary label